
At Vira, we strive to provide the highest quality care and service to our patients. However, if you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service, we want to hear from you. We take all complaints seriously and will investigate them thoroughly and objectively.

How can I make a complaint?

We welcome all feedback, including complaints, as it helps us improve our services. You can write to us at We kindly ask that you bring any issues to our attention as soon as possible.

What is your complaints process?

Stage 1

  • Once we have received your complaint, our team will get back to you within 3 working days.
  • Your complaint will be thoroughly investigated. We may reach out to you for further information.
  • You will receive a full response within 20 working days, or a status update every 20 days if the investigation is ongoing. Our goal is to resolve Stage 1 complaints within 3 months.
  • If you are unsatisfied, you can escalate to Stage 2 by writing to us within 6 months of raising your complaint.

Stage 2

  • We will acknowledge the Stage 2 escalation within 3 working days.
  • A senior staff member will review your complaint and investigate it further.
  • The Clinical Director will oversee the review process.
  • You will receive a full response within 20 working days or status updates every 20 days if ongoing. Our aim is to complete Stage 2 complaints within 3 months.
  • In some cases, we may need to notify external agencies like the Care Quality Commission or professional bodies like the GMC, particularly if a serious incident occurred.

Further assistance

If you need further advice regarding your complaint, you can contact the following organisations:

  • Citizens Advice Bureau – Free, confidential and independent advice available face-to-face and by phone. Some offices offer home visits and email advice.
  • The Patients Association – The Patients Association is an independent patient charity campaigning for improvements in health and social care for patients.
  • The General Medical Council – The General Medical Council is responsible for ensuring that doctors in the UK meet the standards of good medical practice.